About the Author

Dan O'Connell

Dan had worked for over thirty years in the financial services industry before making a career transition to teach in a New York City High School. Soon after arriving in the classroom, he developed and taught a Personal Finance class. While he enjoyed teaching the class, Dan discovered a passion for financial education after seeing how much the students loved the material and applied it in so many innovative ways - both inside and outside of the classroom. Dan’s vision is for every high school student in the country to receive a high quality financial education. He brings this passion to the NGPF team and our partners in the classroom to help make Mission: 2030 a reality. He loves to travel and explore with his wife and two children whether it’s a cross country New York to Seattle road trip with his son or adventures with his daughter to places like India, Namibia, and Mozambique.

Author: Dan O'Connell

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